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Web design is everything. It impacts SEO Toronto, branding, and overall user experience; but what does web design have to do with rankings? In this post we will be discussing the mistakes that lead to ranking declines so you can avoid them. Some of these mistakes are small while others are large, all impacting your website’s performance in different ways.

1) You don’t have a mobile version of your site: Mobile browsing has surpassed desktop browsing for many years now, and it’s time to take notice! Not having a mobile-friendly version of your site means that people who find your content while on their phone cannot view it or use any features on the page – if they could even get there at all without being redirected to a different site. This can cause ranking declines as well as low user engagement rates, both of which Google takes notice of.

Solution: Make sure your website is mobile-friendly! There are many ways to do this, and it’s important to find the right solution for you. You can use responsive design, create a separate mobile version of your site, or use dynamic serving. Whichever option you choose, make sure it meets the needs of your users and provides them with an optimal experience.

2) You have low-quality content: This is a biggie. If you are trying to rank for anything, especially highly competitive terms, it’s important that your site has quality content on every page. Low-quality copy can take many forms – badly written, poorly researched or plagiarized material will all be noticed by Google and could lead to ranking declines as well as trust issues with users who find the same thing elsewhere on the web.

Solution: First of all, make sure there are no spelling errors! Nothing screams ‘low quality’ more than mistakes in text – people don’t want what they cannot read correctly due to simple flaws like this one. Make sure any facts stated are accurate and check out multiple sources posting them anywhere online.

3) You have thin content: Thin content is a huge problem in SEO. It’s when you have blocks of text with very few unique words or sentences, not providing any value to your users and hurting your credibility as an authority on the subject matter.

Solution: Make sure every page has at least 300 words worth of quality content! If it doesn’t, either rewrite them so they contain more information or add new pages if necessary. Google will notice these types of issues within a website just like we can – there are many tools that offer this functionality for free online.